net foreign investment

英 [net ˈfɒrən ɪnˈvestmənt] 美 [net ˈfɔːrən ɪnˈvestmənt]




  1. That is, American net foreign investment in Japan has been negative.
  2. But business leaders agree that the conservative government needs to clarify the definition of "net benefit" that foreign investors are required to demonstrate under the Investment Canada Act.
  3. But, because total net global FDI keeps rising, we can assume that the advantages of foreign direct investment must be greater than its disadvantages in a large number of cases.
  4. China has now had four successive months in which it has had net capital outflows, excluding the trade surplus and incoming foreign investment.
  5. Net commercial bank lending has turned negative, and foreign direct investment flows to developing countries have fallen since their peak in1999.
  6. Net foreign direct investment inflows remain strong, totaling$ 101 billion in the year to the second quarter of2006.
  7. As Bank of America notes, net capital outflows in the third quarter were a paltry$ 11bn versus a trade surplus plus foreign direct investment of$ 108bn.
  8. If the net assets or remaining property distributed to the foreign venturer exceed the value of its investment, it shall pay income tax in accordance with the law on such excess portion when remitting it abroad.
  9. Also, the overwhelming majority of the increase in foreign reserves is not from net financial capital flows but from current account surpluses and net foreign direct investment.
  10. Does that change the dynamics of a market that has attracted$ 12bn of net foreign investment this year?
  11. The sum of net foreign lending ( gross savings, less domestic investment) and the government and private sector financial balances ( the latter the sum of corporate and household balances) must be zero.
  12. As a net capital exporter with only a basic education system, Saudi Arabia needs foreign know-how and training more than it needs foreign cash for investment.
  13. As large amounts of dollars flow into China through net exports and foreign investment, the Chinese central bank must buy up these dollars at the pegged exchange rate.
  14. Discrepancies often occur in the data about stockholders 'equity and net profit in the financial exposure of a dually financed corporation with both domestic and foreign equity investment although they are calculated on the bases of the same operational activities.
  15. Then, this paper select the net profit as the dependent variable, foreign strategic investment, direct government ownership, non-performing loans and capital adequacy ratio as explanatory variables, then build a multiple regression model to analysis.